Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello Kitty

Hello kitty theme for my padpad. Childish much? Hell yeah, like i care lol. I'm a kitty fans. Hehee. Actually this is a testing post cuz my BLOGSY suddenly had a crash(kinda freaked me out a little), and so I uninstalled and installed it again. And oh, it works well again! *smiley face* If you realized I'm quite hardworking lately.. that's just because of BLOGSY! It's so nice to use, like seriously, i can update my blog anytime and anywhere as long as there's 3G or wifi, and most of all i can skip all the on-laptop-and-usb-transfer-pics steps. Save all the hassles. LAZY BUM ME lol. Highly recommend this app for bloggers:) But pls note, it's not a free apps, u gotta pay 4.99 bucks for the non-jailbroken. That's all. Good night. X

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