Saturday, June 30, 2012


Getting a lil v e r y self-obsessed during ze holidays

A hungry man is an angry man


Sakae so high tech eyh. But I don't really like it cuz its quite confusing..


What a windy Friday! Great weekend, all! Bb


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

媽咪 生日快樂! 愿您身體健康 每天都快樂! 你看她收到禮物的表情。。 開心到 就这样家里又加了一粒新苹果 呵呵

最近走夢幻路線 哈哈哈 沒有啦,其實是下雪介紹了很多photography apps我就試試用咯 很不錯的說 但是我好像有一点点不适合梦幻style吼 哈哈

這個很好吃! 我超愛吃的! 在queensbay foodcourt可以找到 它叫做somtam 是掩木瓜和芒果 酸酸甜甜又辣辣的

哈哈哈 這張只是try effect而已 誰叫假期吃飽太得空 每張圖都拿來edit 呵呵 再更新 掰

Monday, June 25, 2012


Hi my Lil bloggy, yours truly iz back!! Only if you realized, I update my blog more frequent than my fb. Fb is just a tool for me to stalk ppl. Aha oops :x Nola, I'm no stalker another way of updating friend's life. But it seems like I don't quite fancy to update my life in fb. I prefer to do blogging, captioning pics and describing my life in a piece of post rather than just uploading pictures in an album. Hehe. Okay, i dont know why the crap am i talking about this?!?!?! So out of topic -.- Lol. So, in short, if u want to update me (臉皮厚) *rolls eyes* just find me here lah! Or Instagram for instant update. pffftt... Haha

Revamping my wardrobe is one of my to-do-list during this holiday. Can go lorong kulit Lelong my jeans already eyh? 😏 Haha

Feeling so...ahem... artsy in this picture. Lol. Oh well, gonna do smtg with my hair soon! Stay tuned?

Oh my Ed westwick!!!! Why are you so entao!!!!!!?

I'm on holidays! So, call me, maybe? Haha. Source from #instagram #funsubstance kthxbai

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Can't deny that I often get distracted from mugging especially during the study break. I think its more like my holiday break! Pfft.. I tend to watch more dramas and movies(currently watching LoveRain and 耀舞長安 oh gawd :x), tweet more, exersice more(good thing), Instagram more (do follow me if u have one okay!), youtube more (love watching people dancing... Hehe), blog more (see, who is typing right now. Lol)

And stuff myself with more supper too! >.< Just so you know, pure studying can die ~_~

Out for a swim in one of those sunny days. Truth to be told, I just wanna show off my sunglasses laa cuz I think it's very yeng.. don't you think so? Hahaha xD

Exams, let's rock! Till then. With love, ame.