Thursday, January 13, 2011

365 - Day 13

Yay, I'm finally back! :):) So sorrie im thirteen days late for my project 365. Blame the exams I had. Super FML moment - not enough of sleep and all :( Anyway, gonna upload the twelve photos that I owed for my 365. Hope it still counts yeah :):) Anyway, im gonna update my blog with dual languages from today onwards.  Feeling odd to write in mandarin again cuz it's been a while since I l啊st wrote that. But oh well, feel like improving my chinese again so yeah... And btw, I will be down to Kuala la la Lumpur for the next two days. Shopping spree weeeee.....! Toodles people! 

哈嘍 大家好﹗我回來了﹗對不起遲了13天PO我的365計劃。都怪考試嘍 累死了 睡眠不足還加上失眠﹐ 最討厭考試了﹗所以今天開始終于‘腰糕吼番”啦(笑開懷)。噢呀﹐365正在更新中﹐會慢慢PO上來﹐ 一定要看噢﹗我突然寫華語會不會覺得怪怪的勒﹖不要說你 連我自己都覺得很怪鳥= = 很久沒寫了﹐華文退步了很多。所以絕定以後不落格都會用雙語更新*自己自找麻煩*(笑) 因為我覺得寫華文比較親切嘛 不是嗎﹖對了﹐會過2天再上來﹐ 本小姐要去首都逛街去﹗呵呵 掰嘍^^

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